Tales from the Thousand Character Classic (千字文故事) for iPad

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Разработчик China Intercontinental Press
5.99 USD

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The thousand character classic, the children’s knowledge, the three character classic and the hundred surnames were far spreader readings in ancient China. Of the above-mentioned four classic pieces, the thousand character classic came into being earliest. It was compiled by Zhou Xing in Liang dynasty of South and North period, with a history as long as 1400 years。 The form of it is by “one sentences of four characters”, so together it contains 250 sentences。Including there are stories like the"Xi Shi Beauty","Cangjie Creates Characters", smart and powerful.

《千字文》是古代蒙学读物中产生最早的作品之一,《千字文》是南北朝朝代周兴嗣编纂的,已有1400多年历史。其编纂经过颇为有趣。据唐李绰《尚忆故实》记载,梁武帝命令殷铁石在王羲之的书法中拓出一千个不重复的字,供给诸王临摹。当把一千个字拓出以后,梁武帝又觉得“每字片纸,杂乱无序”,遂命令他的文学侍从周兴嗣,将这一千个字编缀成合辙押韵并有意义的文句。周兴嗣“一夕编缀进上,鬓发皆白”;可见作者为编写这篇千古绝妙章,花费了多大的心思!《千字文》 四字一句,琅琅上口,共250句,故此称为千字文。其中包含了耳熟能详的传说故事如《仓颉造字》,《大禹治水》,《西施的故事》,也不乏如《齐桓公称霸》这样的历史故事,构思精巧,气势磅礴。

Feetan is honored to introduce this book to App Store with the authorization from the original publisher, China Intercontinental Press, the best press offering China related English books.

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